Big Animal

Facts about Mountain Lion

Facts about Mountain Lion

There are five big cats out there; lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard and snow leopard. However, there are other names to identify lion: cougar, catamount, puma, panther, or mountain lion. In this article, we are going to cover several facts about…

Habitat of a Polar Bear

Habitat of a Polar Bear

When it comes to animal that is known for living in cold climates, the number one animal that crosses most people’s mind is polar bear. The habitat of a polar bear is interesting because it’s not where normally humans choose to live…

Difference Between Alligator and a Crocodile

Difference Between Alligator and a Crocodile

What is the Difference Between Alligator and a Crocodile ? – The name alligator and crocodile might sound interchangeable, but they are not. There are difference between alligator and a crocodile. While these two reptiles may share a lot of…

interesting facts about the bengal tiger

Interesting Facts about Bengal Tiger

Facts about Bengal Tiger – If one is asked what the most frightening animal is, some would think of tiger. Indeed, they are big in size and even the roar is powerful enough to make you intimidated. Out of all…