Girl Dog Names / Female Dog

Girl Dog Names

Girl Dog Names – Have you just adopted a female dog? Then you might have been thinking long and hard about what name to give her. Worry no more, because…

Habitat of a Lion

Habitat of a Lion

We all know that one animal that rules the jungle, that even human refers it as the king of the jungle. Yes, the majestic animal is lion. While it is…

Habitat of a Polar Bear

Habitat of a Polar Bear

When it comes to animal that is known for living in cold climates, the number one animal that crosses most people’s mind is polar bear. The habitat of a polar bear is…

Interesting Facts About a Jaguar

21 Facts About a Jaguar

Facts About a Jaguar – Jaguar holds the throne of becoming one of the big cats in the world, along with the other four other living members of big cats.…