Some people wonder what the fastest animal in the world is. This is not an easy question to answer because there are a lot of animals that you can find on this planet. Although, you can say that there is one flying animal that can fly very fast, which is the Peregrine Falcon. Yes, this species of falcon is able to fly to the maximum speed of 200 mph. That is in par with the speed of many sport cars nowadays.
How about the land animals? If you are wondering about the fastest land animals, then you will need to check on this list. This is the list of the fastest animals that you can find on the land. The only thing you can do to avoid them is flying.
The Fastest Animal in the World on the Land
1. Giraffe

The first one is the giraffe, which everyone already knows. Giraffe has long legs which makes this tallest mammal on earth is able to run very fast.
The top speed that a giraffe can achieve reaches 32 mph. Although, this tall mammal is not able to evade a lot of predators in the wild because their agility is quite low.
Read Animals that Start with M
2. Grizzly Bear

A lot of people are afraid of this giant and scary bear. There have been a lot of attacking cases in the past because of the grizzly bear. Its speed might be one of the causes. Many people are aware of its strength in the wild. However, not a lot of people realize that its speed that reaches 34.8 mph.
Yes, the speed of the grizzly bear put them on the list of the fastest animal in the world. With strength and speed, this bear is really dangerous in the wild.
3. Jackal

Have you ever seen the combination of wolf and coyote? If you have not, then you might have never seen a jackal. This medium-sized coyote is the natural predator of canine.
To deal with the fast speed of a canine, jackal needs to run faster. That is why this canine-hunter is one of the fastest animals on the land. The running speed of a jackal is able to reach 35 mph. The running speed is slightly faster than the grizzly bear. However, with its size, the agility is better than a grizzly bear.
4. Mule Deer

The natural habitat of a mule deer is actually around the North America. Yet, people discovered this species around in Argentina too. Talking about its running speed, the mule deer is able to run up to 35 mph. The speed is similar with the jackal.
That is why even the mountain lions and bobcat have problems when hunting the mule deer. That is because the mule deer is one of the fastest animal in the world. Unfortunately, the population is decreasing because of the bullets of the hunters.
5. Mongolian Wild Ass

Horse has been known as a fast runner. That is why people use the horse for racing. For your information, there is a special horse in Mongolian region called the Mongolian Wild Ass. This horse is able to run very fast with the maximum speed of 40 mph.
The problem is that the population of this wild horse is not that much. The population of the Mongolian wild ass is decreasing for sure. As a matter of fact, the Mongolian Wild Ass is one of those endangered species in the world.
6. Zebra

Zebra is another species of horse that can run very fast. The running speed of a zebra is in par with the Mongolian Wild Ass. It can reach 40 mph without any problem at all. Since zebras have flashy patterns on their body, the speed is the only thing that they can rely on.
Without the speed, this animal is one sure food for many predators. Yet, the fastest animal in the world is able to escape many predators in the wild because of the speed.
7. Hyena

Hyena is one real predator in the wild. This small cat is very dangerous, even for many big preys. The reason is because this cat hides a very strong jaw beneath its small body proportion.
The strength is similar with a tiger. To make it worse, this small cat is able to run up to 40 mph. Actually, hyena is quite calm in nature. Do not ever try to disturb the hyena if you do not want any trouble.
8. Thomson Gazelle

The Thomson gazelle lives on the African region. The population of this species of gazelle is more than enough to stand hundreds more years. In the wild, the gazelle has a lot of predators. Yet, the speed and agility of this gazelle is very amazing.
The Thomson gazelle is able to run up to 41 mph. As an addition to that, their reflexes are amazing. That is why the fastest animal in the world does not really afraid of its predators.
9. Gray Fox

The number of gray fox is quite limited. It is the opposite of the red fox that you can find anywhere. Even though the number is limited, the gray fox does not afraid of predators that much.
It is because they can run up to 42 mph. The small size of this animal helps them to climb the trees without any trouble. With amazing running and climbing ability, the grey fox can escape many predators at ease.
10. Greyhound

Many people nowadays are raising the greyhound as their pet. It is because the dog is strong and obedient. That is why a lot of people love this dog. Even though, you need to know the fact about the greyhound in the past.
People in the past were using the greyhound for racing. It is because the running speed of a greyhound can reach 43 mph. That is why the greyhound is on the list of the fastest animal in the world.
11. Coyote

Jackal was mentioned before on the list of the fastest animal on the land. That is why you need to know the senior of the jackal. It is the coyote. American region with dry area is the origin and natural habitat of the coyote. This small animal is a real beast in the desert.
The reason is because coyote can run up to 43 mph. As an addition, the coyote does not choose their prey. They can take on almost anything, starting from the small mammals, insects, and even the local pets.
12. Ostrich

If the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird on the sky, the ostrich is the fastest animal in the world on the land. That is because the ostrich is not able to fly at all. Even though, the running speed of this animal is very amazing.
That is Looney Tunes used this animal as one of their speedy character. As a matter of fact, the prey is even faster than its predator on the animation. For the running speed, the ostrich is able to run up to 44 mph.
13. Cape Hunting Dog

In an instant, the look of the cape hunting dog is like a hyena. Yet, these two animals belong to the different species. The pattern on its body might be the reason why people think this dog is a hyena. The size of its ear is also as big as the hyena.
Even though these two species are different, they have one common thing. It is their running speed when hunting their prey. The cape hunting dog is slightly faster than hyena. This dog has the fastest clocked speed of 45 mph.
14. Elk

In some parts of America, Elk is very famous. It is because many hunters are looking for its meat and skin. This species of deer is the biggest among the others. The size of an elk is equal to at least two to three deer in the wild.
Even though, the size of this deer species fooled many rookie hunters. Many of those hunters did not think that the elk is able to run up to 46 mph. Yes, this large mammal is one of those in the fastest animal in the world.
15. Jackrabbit

This little rabbit is something quite. Many people want to pet this little rabbit. Unfortunately, there are things about its agility that you might have never known. The first one is the running speed of the jackrabbit. This mammal is able to run up to 48 mph.
That is very fast. As an addition to that, they can maintain their speed even while doing some leaps or zigzag. Many people shocked to know that the jackrabbit is able to leap up to nine feet.
16. Lion

Many people realize how scary the lion can be. Yet, there are few who learned its running speed. Many of them only know that lion is the king of the jungle. For your information, the lion is able to run up to 50 mph.
That was the clocked time when the female lions hunted their prey. It is another thing to highlight. The fastest animal in the world of lion species is the female, not the male. That is the fact about lion that many people missed.
17. Wildebeest

Wildebeest is one family of the antelope. Even though, a lot of people doubted it speed. Many people think that wildebeest is not able to run that fast. The truth is that wildebeest is one of the fastest antelope on earth. The running speed of wildebeest is reaching 52 mph.
The reason why a lot of people doubted its speed might be caused by its size. This large antelope looks a bit slow when running, but its speed is something amazing.
18. Quarter Horse

The quarter horse is the king of the horseracing. You should not ask how fast this horse is able to run. You can see the proportion of its body with your own eyes. His body is full of muscles with great reflexes.
That is why no one will doubt the speed of the quarter horse that reaches 55 mph. The horse is the fastest of all horse’s species in the world. That is why the horse is also the fastest animal in the world.
19. Springbok

There have been some small animals with the amazing speed on this list. Yet, the springbok is the fastest of those speedy little animals.
This animal is able to run up to the average speed of 60 mph. In some cases, the greatest speed of clocked from the springbok was 62 mph. It happened some years ago when this small mammal was avoiding its predator.
20. Pronghorn Antelope

The pronghorn antelope is one of those main foods of cheetah. Yet, there are few cheetahs that are able to catch the pronghorn antelope. It is because the running speed of the pronghorn antelope is like a lightning. There is no specific number of its running speed.
Yet, many studies showed the pronghorn antelope is able to run for on the average o 62 mph. That means this antelope is able to run faster. One thing that put the pronghorn antelope on the fastest animal in the world is because of the bigger size of its vital organs.
21. Cheetah

If only people are able to drive the cheetah, the selling of sport cars will surely decrease. It is because the performance of a cheetah is even better than a sport car. The acceleration of this predator is very amazing.
An adult cheetah is able to reach 60 in less than five seconds. For its running speed, cheetah is able to run up to 70 mph. That is why Jaguar used this speedy predator as their main logo to represent their speed.
For your information, the running speed of a human is around 40 mph. Yet, this is not stable. The average running speed of a human is around 12 to 14 mph.
If you think you can run fast enough, you can try to beat their records. It would be something interesting if your record were listed on the list above. However, can you beat any of the fastest animal in the world above?